5 ways to maintain your progress while enjoying the holidays

You’ve put in the hours, that hard work and dedication to your strength training routine and fitness goals- YOU DESERVE TO ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS! And guess what, you totally CAN celebrate this season without completing derailing from your fitness goals. Amy Potter from Ladies Who Lift have 5 ways for you to maintain your progress while enjoying the holiday season.


You can’t make it to the gym 5 days/week? You’re back at home and don’t have access to your regular weights? That’s OKAY! All is not lost!

Do what you can, with what you have. Work out 3 days a week instead of your normal 5. Go for 30 minutes instead of your normal 60. Do body weight exercises instead of using barbells and dumbbells for your strength training routine.

People who adapt and modify workouts to fit the varying events and seasons throughout the year will have much more success long-term, than people who give up when things aren’t perfect. Know that things are not going to be perfect. And know that’s okay! The holidays tend to be stressful enough. Don’t let trying to maintain your exact workout regimen add to your stress. Just have the discipline to do what you can, and don’t give up.

2. Plan ahead

You wont have the structure of your normal routine, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have ANY routine. Create a plan that is realistic and attainable, and then stick to it. Plan your workout around your events and dedicate that time to yourself. Plan ahead and bring workout clothes and some equipment. You can’t bring a barbell to your grandma’s house but you can fit bands or a suspension trainer in your suitcase. We really love mini bands, long bands with a door attachment, and suspension trainers. Over the pandemic, we also got REALLY good at bodyweight workouts and using what we have around the house as weights. So you might not have weights… but do you have a dog? A small child? Bottle of wine? Backback? Suitcase? You can use those things!!

If you are interested in being part of the Leader, Transformer or Ambassador programs, your programs are FULLY customized to YOU. This means if for two weeks you only have access to a TRX, Ladies Who Lift can build you a strength training program based on that, just let your coach know!


3. follow progressive overload training

Did you know that you can still progressively overload your muscles without heavy weights? Sure, it’s harder and we obviously LOVE weight training but when you are limited in equipment, you can still progressively challenge yourself a little more each session to force your muscles to adapt and get stronger. Here’s a few examples of how to use progressive overload in your strength training workouts when you can’t increase your weights.



No matter what dietary style you follow, the holidays tend to throw people off. How do you log Grandma’s Casserole to MyFitnessPal? I have no idea. You don’t need to be perfect, but try to stick to the basics. When visiting family, it is hard to control everything but you can control some things.

A. Practice adding veggies in at each meal. If your family doesn’t eat the way that you do, volunteer to bring a salad or veggie plate.

B. If you track your macros, use your best estimate for logging your meals. Know that it’s not going to be 100% accurate. Bring a protein shake, bar or smoothie to supplement your meals to get closer to hitting your protein goals.

C. Practice “adding in” rather than “taking out”. If you know you are going to eat a big meal later in the day, don’t skip meals to save calories. Instead, practice adding in more nutrient-dense foods earlier in the day.

D. Eat when you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. Often, it is customary to get a 2nd or 3rd plate when you are at a big family gathering. Which, if you are hungry or really want a second helping of Auntie Kim’s Mac and Cheese, then by all means, enjoy it! However, if you are full, you do NOT need to follow suit and eat more than what you normally do. Don’t make yourself uncomfortably full. You can eat leftovers tomorrow.


Often, we let being polite, people-pleasers sabotage what is true to us. Stay true to you this holiday season. If you don’t like pecan pie, you don’t have to say yes to a slice. Everyone else is getting seconds and thirds but you’re already full? You don’t need to join in. Eat as you normally would. Your family is sitting down to watch a movie, but you’d rather go workout? You can workout. Someone is inviting you to go out for drinks but you’d rather go to bed so you can get a full 8 hours of rest? You can go to sleep.

Partake in anything that brings you joy & spend time with your family, but don’t let peer pressure change what is true to you. Listen to your body & honor your body.


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