7 steps to build a better body image

Memoirs of a girl in the early 2000s

Why is the voice in my head such a mean betch?

7 steps to improve your body image

Body Image FAQs


Memoirs of a girl in the early 2000s

The first time I remember realizing I was self-conscious of my body was in 4th grade. We were in class and a group of high school or college students came in to do a survey about elementary school kids and body image. They asked us to draw a self portrait of our body, then to write down anything we would change about our body if we could. I remember drawing myself with disproportionately large thighs and writing “I hate my thighs and hips. They’re huge.” To repeat, I was in FOURTH GRADE. 9 years old. 

Looking back it makes me so sad to think about that little girl, because I see photos of me in 4th grade and I see a silly, strong & smart 9 year old girl, not someone with giant thighs. But that’s what I saw when I looked in the mirror then. 

Girl in striped shirt laying in flowers

Most of my friends were skinnier than I was. Everyone on TV was skinnier than I was. I secretly wanted thin legs, just to be like everyone else. I was a child but wanted to get smaller,. Obviously, this goes against human physiology. Kids grow. Vertically & horizontally. Did I really think that I could go against human nature just in an effort to be thin? Why was being thin so important for a 9 year old? 

Growing up, my favorite sport was football. I wanted to be the first female player in the NFL. Playing football in school was not only empowering because I was the only girl playing with the guys at recess (GIRL POWER!!), but it also was a respite. Playing with the boys helped me focus on what my body could do, not what it looked like. I loved how free it made me feel. I loved feeling strong and powerful. Realizing how good I felt through physical activity kept my body image issues at bay. I started weight lifting in high school and I fell in love. It was uplifting. In the weight room my thighs were a source of power and strength, rather than a source of shame or insecurity. Being strong felt good. Whenever I doubted myself or started to compare myself to others I would remind myself what my body could do and how much I appreciated it. That mindset shift helped me a lot, especially as my body grew and matured. This transformation is something I see all the time in my clients and a big part of why I wanted to be a trainer and work with women to teach them about weight lifting and strength training. 

The beauty standard is designed to be unachievable. It is elusive so that you will focus your attention on “perfecting” your body, trying to adapt and mold to fit the ever changing ideal. If you can heal your relationship with your body now, you will have a better body image for the rest of your life, regardless of how the ideal changes throughout time. The beauty standard will change. Your value and your worth will not.


why is the voice in my head such a mean betch?

When talking about any problem, I always like to dig deeper to get to the root cause. When talking about body image, I think it’s really important to acknowledge the culture and society that we live in. When we understand the context of WHY having a positive body image is so challenging, and how these ideas are implanted in us from a young age, I think it’s easier to logically question and combat your negative self-talk. So let’s explore where that voice has come from and how it has been developed over the course of your life. 

We live in a capitalist society where a culture of competition drives a cycle of comparison & jealousy. Capitalism also incentivises profits over people. It’s profitable and easy to inundate consumers with images of the “ideal” body in order to sell you products that promise to get you there. Who is profiting off of your insecurities? Who profits when you see a part of your body as a “flaw” that you need to fix?

woman standing with mannequin

We live in a patriarchal, misogynistic & sexist society that thrives off of the oppression of women. Women are conditioned to think that they have to be both great at their job AND fit a specific beauty standard while doing so. Objectification of women’s bodies in the media teaches girls and women to put much more stake into our appearance and that can negatively affect our body image. The beauty and diet industry thrive in this society. We are taught to spend our time and money trying to perfect our perceived flaws, rather than perfecting our skills and abilities, or seeing the already beautiful parts of our mind, body, life and soul. 

We live in a racist society that continues to oppress Black people and people of color. White supremacy, racism and colorism are ingrained into the media's portrayal of beauty and the beauty standard. We are taught that specific features are more attractive, acceptable, professional or more desirable than others. Not having enough representation in the media you are consuming can negatively affect your self image. 

Please know that this is not an exhaustive list. What systems within our society can you think of that may be contributing to your negative body image? 

Understanding these aspects of how our society has been functioning for centuries has pushed me to ask myself where my critiques are coming from. That voice in the back of our heads that keeps telling us that we are not quite enough is coming from the systems listed above.

That is why true self-love, having a positive body image and being self confident are all so radical and revolutionary. You are combating those systems of oppression just by loving yourself for who you are. 

Once you break down the context for why you think a particular thing about yourself & body, then you can start to recover from a life-long internal battle of hate, judgment and failure and turn towards acceptance, appreciation and love. 


7 steps to reframe your body image now

woman posing in front of mirror
  1. Re-Frame 

    Think about someone in your life that you so genuinely love and cherish. 

    Let that relationship fill you up and consume your mind for a moment. Now write down three things that you adore, love and appreciate about that person. 

    I’ll wait. 

    I have no idea what you wrote down but I am guessing that you didn’t write that you love your mom because she exercises everyday, has a thigh gap and sticks perfectly to her diet plan. You didn’t say that the reason you love your dad is because he has a six pack and a full head of hair. You love these people for bigger reasons. They were there for you when you needed it. They are compassionate to others. They are really funny and easy going. You wouldn’t stop loving this person if they gained 5 lbs, or failed a test, or made a mistake, or didn’t have time to workout one day. You would say that is okay, I still love you because I love you deeper and way beyond any of those superficial things. 

    Now how can we practice this same unconditional love for ourselves?

  2. Observe

    What is the voice inside your head saying? When do you find yourself speaking negatively to yourself? Are there any common themes within your critiques? Is it easy for you to point out your flaws? Are there any specific triggers for your negative self-talk? What is your general self-esteem? Are there some areas of your life where you feel a high level of confidence? Can you list 10 things that you like about yourself or your body? Can you list 10 things that you dislike about yourself or your body? Which list is easier to write?

  3. Reflect 

    Where is this voice coming from? How did your parents and the adults around you talk about their bodies? What sources of media contribute to your self image? What was the messaging in the media when you were growing up? How did your friends talk about their bodies? Did you have any role models that looked like you? Did you see yourself represented in movies, magazines and TV shows? What systems of oppression play a role here? Who is profiting off of your insecurities? What systemic problems are being perpetuated if you play into these societal lies? 

  4. Adapt 

    Change the content that you are consuming. The beauty of social media is that WE get to choose who we follow and what messages we are being shown. If you want to have a better body image and relationship with your body, stop following fitspo accounts where people use photoshop to create images of the “perfect body”, stop following people who promote the ideas you are trying to heal from. Follow more people who look like people. Follow people who share messaging around body positivity, body neutrality & body confidence. Follow people who don't fit the typical aesthetic standard. Follow people who make you laugh. Follow people who make you think. Follow more dogs. Need help? Send me a DM on Instagram and I will send you some of my favorite posts and accounts!

  5. Learn 

    Learn to Neutralize the voice. You have been TAUGHT to be self conscious, to nit pick your flaws and to have a poor body image. That means that you can be TAUGHT to be self confident, see your “flaws” as unique characteristics that make you human, and to have a positive body image. When the negative voice pops up in your head, I want you to counter the things that it is saying with logic. Stop the downward spiral and bring yourself into the present moment. 

  6. Practice 

    Practice loving and Appreciating your body. 

    Writing prompts:

    Write down 21* things that you love about yourself.

    Write down 21* things that you love about your body. 

    Write down 21* things that you appreciate about yourself.

    Write down 21* things that you appreciate about your body.

    *write down 3 things each day for a full week

    Don’t just write it down but think about those affirmations all day. Internalize those beliefs. 

  7. Have Patience

    Know that this is a journey. You will have good days and bad, but keep practicing and it will get easier. Don’t let your weight, size or shape limit how much joy you let yourself have in life. Self-love can be challenging, so don’t expect to erase 29 years of negative self talk overnight. Instead, treat self-love as a practice. It’s something you should work at everyday. I want this for you right now. But I also want this for every little 4th grade girl that thinks her thighs are too big. I want us to set an example for the generations to come. 


woman sitting on floor with arms crossed

How do I improve my body image?

Observe what kinds of things you are saying to yourself. Question where your beliefs are coming from. Practice giving yourself compliments. You were taught to hate your body. You can be taught to love your body in the same way. It just takes practice. 

Does weight lifting help improve your body image?

Weight lifting has flipped the script for many women. Our bodies become a source of power and strength, rather than a source of shame or insecurity. Building strength feels good and helps to build confidence that oozes out into other areas of your life, including your body image. 

What should I do on a bad body image day?

Go outside and be with people who love you for who you are. GIve yourself some grace and know that this is a journey. You will have good days and bad, but keep practicing and it will get easier. Don’t let your weight, size or shape limit how much joy you let yourself have in life. Improving your body image can be challenging, so don’t expect to erase 29 years of negative self talk overnight. Instead, treat self-love as a practice.

Help! Social Media is hurting my body image. What do I do?

Do a social media cleanse. Unfollow accounts that negatively affect your body image. Stop clicking on click-bait posts that lie and show you things like 5 exercises to get rid of your hip dips. Follow a variety of people with different body types and shapes. Follow body positivity accounts, follow accounts that reinforce the beliefs you are trying to instill in yourself.

How do I stop comparing my current body to my younger self?

Bodies change. This is a fact of life. Bodies change for many different reasons. Puberty, aging, medication, hormones, menopause, stress, lifestyle, additional responsibilities and changing priorities can all affect how your body changes throughout your life.  The key is to give yourself grace and know that even as your body changes, your value does not. Don’t waste your 30s wishing you looked like you did in your 20s because you will get to your 40s and think wow I didn’t know how good I had it in my 30s. 

How do I set an example for younger people?

THe best thing that you can do is heal your relationship with your own body. Young people are influenced by the adults around them. If they hear you complaining or nit-picking your body, they will internalize that. Give compliments to young girls about their talents, abilities and personality so they don’t grow up thinking that everyone is only judging them for how pretty they are. If you are a parent, make sure to give your child access to content that showcases people of all races, ethnicities, gender identities, body sizes and body shapes.


If you are struggling with your body image and you would like to work on it with a coach, sign up for our Ambassador program. Through strength training and weekly coaching calls we can work together to heal your relationship with your body, unleash your inner confidence and FEEL GOOD. Sign up for the Ambassador Program HERE


Woman holding a smoothie


Amy is a Certified Personal Trainer and Holistic Health Coach. She loves helping women heal their relationship with their bodies, and with food. She guides women on a journey to feel strong, confident and capable through weight lifting and intuitive eating. In her free time she can be found taking long walks on the beach, petting dogs, or talking about politics.


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