Total body short & Sweet

TRAINER : Brittany


I love a good tabata workout and when I am short on time sometimes a little quick workout is what I need. So if you are short on time this workout is just for you to work your legs, core and upper body!

Equipment Needed: Your body, Bench or sturdy surface (a dumbbell if desired)


THE Workout

Start with 2 rounds of each circuit and work your way up to 4-5 rounds based on your level and time! You will set your timer for 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. Count your reps to make it a challenge You vs. You. Remember to have a water and a towel handy! Enjoy those rest periods!


Circuit 1

Sumo Squats 20 seconds of work
(can add a dumbbell if desired)
rest for 10 seconds

Plank Rotations 20 seconds of work
(can use lighter dumbbells if desired)
rest for 10 seconds

Circuit 2

Box Jumps 20 seconds
rest for 10 seconds

Plank Shoulder Taps 20 seconds
rest for 10 seconds

Circuit 3

Reverse Lunge to Curtsey lunge 20 second per side
(can add a dumbbell if desired)
rest for 10 seconds

Side Plank Hip Dip 20 seconds per side
(can use lighter dumbbells if desired)
rest for 10 seconds

Take a nice 2 min rest. Start back up at the top with Circuit 1 and repeat at least one more round. You can complete as many rounds you want. Give yourself a pat on back and snap that picture at the end! 





Enjoyed this workout? Tag us on IG @rae.wholifts so we can share it!