Active Recovery

What is active recovery?

Active recovery is a catch-all term to indicate movement meant to aid in recovery on a rest day. Instead of laying on the couch and getting zero movement in on a rest day, active recovery is meant to get you moving in a light way to increase blood and lymph flow to aid in recovery and decrease soreness. This should be light so as not to be counterproductive or risk overtraining. Rest days should be restful, so an intense bike ride would not be active recovery.

What are some examples of active recovery?

Mobility training, dynamic stretching, static stretching, walking, easy cardio like a leisurely bike ride, yoga. 

Read more about active recovery in these LWL articles:

Watch these mobility videos to get experience with Mobility as an active recovery option:


Controlled Articular Rotations (C.A.R.S.)


Low Intensity Steady State Cardio (L.I.S.S.)