Sets and Reps

What is a Set?

A set is a group of reps performed consecutively.

What is a rep?

A rep is one repetition of an exercise. This is the smallest unit of measurement for performing an exercise. A rep is to a set what a day is to a week.

What does 3 sets of 10 reps mean?

Do 10 reps. Rest. Do 10 reps. Rest. Do 10 reps. Done.

So you will do a set of 10 reps for three rounds total, resting for a specified amount of time between each set. When you record your weights during your workout you’ll want to record the weights you used for each set like this:

  • Set 1: 10 reps at 100lbs

  • Rest: 2 mins

  • Set 2: 10 reps at 110lbs

  • Rest: 2 mins

  • Set 3: 10 reps at 120 lbs

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How to read your training program

The LWL Complete Guide to Strength Training
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