
What is an isometric?

Isometrics are exercises, or variations of exercises where you contract your muscles without moving your joints. The easiest example is a plank hold. In a plank, you are feeling tension throughout your body, but you’re remaining as still as possible.

Common examples of isolation exercises:

  • Chin up hold

  • Wall sit

  • Side plank

  • Hollow body hold

You can also perform an isometric version of other common exercises. For example, instead of doing full bicep curls, you could perform an isometric hold with your elbow joint at 90 degrees.

What do isometrics look like in a training program?

Isometric exercises, like planks and wall sits are great for building strength and endurance. Isometrics can also be used at specific joint angles to increase strength at those specific angles.

For example, if you’re struggling with chin-ups and you can pull yourself half way up but you reach a sticking point or you don’t have the strength to pull all the way up over the bar, you can add in an isometric chin-up hold with your chin all the way over the bar or arms at 90 degrees. This can help strengthen the specific range of motion that you struggle with.

Try these isometric exercises


Reps in Reserve


Static Stretching