Reps in Reserve

What are reps in reserve?

Reps in reserve refer to the number of reps you feel like you could do after you complete an exercise. If you were programmed to complete 10 squats and you completed all reps, ask yourself how many you COULD have done if you were to push yourself to your max. If you think you could have done 12 reps, then you have 2 reps in reserve.

What do isometrics look like in a training program?

Reps in reserve are a great way to gauge effort, determine what weight to select, and manage workload. You don’t need to be pushing 100% to failure every set, but at the same time, if you have 5 reps in reserve on every lift and every workout, there’s a good chance you’re not pushing yourself enough with your weights in order to stimulate muscle growth. We can also use reps in reserve as a way to gauge RPE. Read more about RPE here.


Compound Exercises

